On the territory of the Dioceses any Centres of collection and distribution of clothes are active from years; whoever needs that could address to these centres for their retire. The neighbour Parochial Caritas will be able to supply whichever detail and/or information in need of case.
The collection of the used clothes and shoes comes periodically executed from the Social Cooperatives, in charge of the emptying of boxes. The clothes come load in railway wan and send to TESMAPRI that provides to the selection of the same ones.
That activity has allowed in the various years the Diocesan Caritas to finance various plans of attendance.
The service of the emptying of boxes is guaranteed in the various cities from Social Cooperatives Onlus of type B who have the aim of employing people with physical or social disadvantages.
This collaboration has allowed in the years to avoid the bestowal in rubbish dump of thousands of tons at sure advantage of the collectivity. Educating to the recovery of materials that otherwise would go destroyed allowing their valorization, producing so opportunities of job, constitutes the business MISSION: let’s only think that the currently staff in Cooperatives employed in the emptying of boxes exceeds the 150 unit, those the great part is people with difficulty of insertion in the world of the job.
Under profile of the transparency, since several years TESMAPRI has signed with the various Caritas ethical contracts that guarantee the respect of law in Italy and to foreign for the employment of labor and excluding compulsorily the under-age staff employment, in the countries thirds parts in particular.